June 04, 2009
June 11, 2009
June 18, 2009
June 25, 2009
So how about that wrestling news of the
week and such? Huh? See how that guy did all those...
eh... wrestling. You know? Wrestling and bumps.
Smark, legit, pop heat X-pac Triple H bury random "insider"
So it opens with a video package filled
with stupid still images, and generic sound effects of a woman
screaming when showing Daffney on the thumbtacks. Why?
Why play the most obvious bullshit sound effects? Oh my god I
hate those fucking sound effects that are just obvious sound
effects. I'll rant on that some time later.
Title is "Say it ain't so, Joe". My
response to that?
Starting out with Brutus Mangus, whose
video is unbelievably pathetic. It's literally just zooming in
on text. The text is this: "Brutus Magnus" "A Modern Day
Gladiator" "Born to Compete" "Bred to Win", repeated over and
over. He does his head wiggly on the top ramp, then comes down
behind. Ambushed and attacked, and now he's being tossed into
the ring for a match.
WINNAR: Nun. No won.
MEM arrives, looking Memmy. Where's the
fucking respect when they barely even get dressed? Booker's
got no pants, and Joe's got no shirt.
Oh wait, I see; that's not
Dave Attell, it's some guy who looks like Dave Attell. He says
that Jenna gave TNA lots of money, supposedly "millions" to entice
Joe into the company. So he did it for the money. Kurt
Attell proceeds to justify Joe killing Nashicles, Bookers, and
Steiner, saying "every member of the main event mafia taking a
bullet for the greater of the family". I think he forgot the
part where Joe kills Sting, kills Kurtle, rapes Sharmell and Jenna,
then wears their faces on his shoulders. What? You mean
that's not Samoan tradition?
MICK FOLEY ENTERS! I just realized now he
looks really fat without his championship belt. Mick Foley
says Kurt Angle was The Brian Kendrick. As in.. man with a
plan. I hate explaining my esoteric, stupid jokes to you
unappreciative cunts. Foley says he's owed a REMATCH, but be's
not a jackass by saying it will be at Victory Road, instead of right
now that night where he can be guaranteed to lose.
AJ Smiles arrives, and encounters Monty Sopp
being useless as the backstage repair guy. Lauren's voice is
cut off as commercials come and go.
Random Thoughts: Good God, I'm bored
Video package of the Jarrett/Foley feud.
Eric who?
Jeff Jarrett is supposedly on the phone now
talking with Mike Tenay at the announcer's booth. He doesn't
even bother to say hello! Faggot. It's obviously
What the fuck. Shit, I missed it.
Commercials came, then back to match in progress. Kebong
smashing Chris in the turnbuckle corner, irish whip and a slow as
hell punch missed and Chris attacks. Chris is faster, but
Nashley attacks him as he tries to do a running attack. Again
at the turnbuckle with slow-ass elbows by Nash on Parks. Then
he whips Chris to the opposite side, and proceeds to taunt for extra
momentum. Another taunt now, and I imagine he must have a full
iMPACT! bar by now, but CHRIS ABYSS counters him, and now HE has a
full iMPACT! bar! But Nash still has his bar full, so he
counters and tosses Chris outside.
WINNAR: Kebong
James Storm is backstage on his beer cooler
scooter, and then they are onstage. This is way disorienting
without commercials---it's like they warped into the ring.
They speak generic "we are the best ever" stuff. Fuckers ain't
heel, they put over Team 3Dicles. Fuck that fucking shit, call
them fat over-the-hill fucks! Rood-e says they can bring it
with their rematch claws. Jee fucking whiz, the fucking
"rematch clause" just seems to completely ruin any championship
match. Why even bother having anyone different compete for the
title? Cena beats Orton for title, Orton demands rematch, gets
it, wins title, Cena demands rematch, gets it, wins title, Orton
demands rematch, gets it, wins title, Cena demands
Team 3Dicles randomly come out. They are
frustrated, too, and talk about their rematch. Steiner calls
them fatasses, and dribbles out something about them having
"overactive pituitary glands" and I am surprised he managed to say
"pituitary gland" without slubbering on it. Team 3Dicles
Brother Ray makes fun of him anyway, and it's quite accurate:
Backstoge with the Horrible People minus the
only one that matters, Angeline Love. Jesus fucking christ,
ever since they brought in Generic Blonde Rayne, I've been incapable
of telling the difference between her and Velvet Skye, and now for
some reason I'm starting to mistakingly believe there are like four
or five of them.
Video package for Daffy vs Taylor MILDE in a
thumbtack match.
Random Me Thoughts: I swear I just had one a
moment ago but I forgot it again. Fucks
Daffney enters to her low-energy
genericized-generic of a generic version of a Marilyn Manson
song. Then the Canadian enters.
Daffney lunges at Taylore first, and starts to
do some fake-ass chops that completely miss, then a snapmare and a
reverse throwback while Wilde is sitting. UH OH, IT'S A POLE
MATCH! 10,000 TACKS ON A POLE! Take a drink of an entire
bottle of Scotch. Fire Russo and whatnot. I have a Pole
of my own I'd like to show you
WINNAR: Taylor Wilde
Thoughts: That was a horrible
match. And it just HAD to be on a fucking pole.
Backstage with the Horrible People, with
Velvet Sky barely audibly as they still have the speakers on in the
audience, who are screaming and chanting "TNA!" It's revealed
"Tara" is her nickname for "Tarantula". Someone randomly
leaves a Tarantula on the shoulder of the non-Velvet Sky
Backstage again with Bruther Devon
bitching at Foley for giving title shots to the
rematch-clausers. Foley is clearly distraught with the fact
that Devon does not care that Foley is feeling terribly about losing
his title. Oh I'm sorry, I looked away and missed shit.
Buh Buh demands Foley do more nipple tweaking after Foley says next
week will be a match between some of the best tag teams, and one of
them may be Team 3D, so Foley begs Buh Buh Ray to "take the match"
and Howard Hughes us by screaming it a few more times, and a few
times more, and more times few, and times few more. Buh Buh
wishes him a nice day. Jay Bee asks what Kurtle will
think. Mick Foley says he does not care. Why would Kurt
Angle care about the tag team matches?
Robert Roode
vs Scott Steiner
Roode's entrance video is just like
Mangus's, in that it's just random text repeated over and
over. What the fuck!
WINNAR: Scottington Steiner
Backstage almost right away with Dave
Attell and Jay Borast. Talks about Angle and Foley in their
office "I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine", and a referense
to Foley tweaking again. Gay sex? I think so.
Jeremy Borash asks if anyone told Sting about this, but Kurtle says
so what, and says he;'s the Godfather, but Borass says Stink is the
godfather, and Angle says no, he is.
Random Me Thoughts: When I first started
watching Rugrats, I thought Angelica's name was
Back and Bore Ass is in the office with
Foley, asks if Jarrett and Foley are friends now, and Foley asks if
he means there was any hatchet burying. Gay sex. The
morbidly obese security guards STILL have "MEM" on their
shirts. John Bore Ass mentions how Kurtle does not like Mick
Foley's tweak. Nipple tweaking. Foley freaks out and
yells at John, because he's mourning the loss of something beloved
to the whole world; the world title.
He's almost immediately cut off by a
video package for Eric Young and his humiliating piece of shit TNA
career. Then back with Eric Jung with Lauren. They say
he walked out on Rhino in some random tag match, and his friends are
all like "I don't even know you anymore". Then he tells some
bullshit story about all the guys going to "Club Jarrett" and call
Eric over to be a jackass for them to laugh at, like a court
Lauren backstage with Booker T, who jives
it up and I cannot understand anything he says. He calls
3Dicles "the Dudleys". STOP SHOOTING, BOOKER! Sharmell
appears to lead Booker on and claim Foley got her a match against
Jenna at Wictory Road.
Match begins with Booker T dorminating,
beating up on James Storm and such, but then James Storm gets
control and starts beating up on Booger. James Storm keeps
beating on Booker some more, but then Booker gains the upper hand
and gets to beating on James Storm. Storm gains control again
to beat on Booker. Booker beats down James, though, and throws
James Storm out of the ring, but he swings back in to beat up
Booker. Booker starts to beat him up, though, and James Storm
falls out of the ring. He gets back in and Booker beats him
up, then pins. Booker's scissor kick fails and James Storm
starts beating him up. Storm keeps beating him
WINNAR: James Storm
Commercials came and went, and now A Joey
Styles is in the ring, looking all squinty-eyed and angry. He
rednecks it up on the microphone, while people chant AJ. He
says he doesn't know anyone named Samoa Joe, and calls out the
En-tire nation of violence. The entire nation comes in, and AJ
suddenly knows someone named Samoa Joe. People are chanting
"You sold out" or something. I can't really hear it too
well. AJ keeps trashtalking on Joe, and Joe is looking all
Taz-like at him, and some retard in the crowd has a sign that says
"WHY JOE WHY!" Why not, motherfucker?
End Show
thought I would just pass out. None of the matches were in any
way remotely interesting, and none of the promos or backstage
bullshit were interesting at all either.
Fire Russo: WHY DO
Andariel Halo is a dynamic figure, often seen
scaling walls and crushing ice. She can hurl tennis rackets at small
moving objects with deadly accuracy. She translates ethnic slurs for
Cuban refugees. Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, Andy
once single-handedly defended a small village in the Amazon Basin
from a horde of ferocious army ants. Children trust her. She knows
the exact location of every dairy item in the supermarket. She has
performed covert operations for the CIA. She's in bed every day, but
sleeps once a week, OH! The laws of physics do not apply to her. One
time, she shot her friend in the back of the head with a BB gun, and
placed all blame on
While it has come to my attention by no one
in particular that I am perhaps overstepping my bounds with regard
to nonsensical jibbering and copious capitalization of a rather
cynical nature in an attempt for satirical anger, I have little
intention of letting it interfere with my ulterior purpose behind
the greater "violence" of my words.
James Swift, I called you out. Answer my
callout and fight me, or be a little bitch.
Since he did not acknowledge me at all in his
recent Rocktagonal column, I'll replace all my nonexistent
commercial thoughts with "Reasons Jim Swift is a Bitch", in the
hopes that I will prod his prostate and/or ego sufficiently to
provoke a vulgar response from the horse's ass.
TNA TIME START~! I didn't watch it on TV last
night because I discovered I hated doing it. So I tried to Youtube
and OH MY GOD it seems like there's a huge mess of botched uploads,
many missing sound and such.
So in this starts, Mick Foley comes out with
a slightly bearded Earl Hebner, his Morbidly Obese Squad of
Security, and a few morbidly obese clowns for some reason. Also for
some reason, the video clips out to a CNN newscast for about a
half-second. That was definitely the highlight of these first five
Mick Foley says he's regained his smile (from
his pants) and calls out AJ Smiles and Samoan Taz.
First AJles comes, then Samoan Joe. And again
with the Taz towel. Then out comes Kurt Angle, called out by Foley,
and called TNA's second greatest acquisition. TNA fans chant "Angle
sucks!" with his music a-melodically. That means awkward and
completely not melodically with his music.
Speaking of awkward, did anyone watch RAW on
Monday? I watched about a total of two or three minutes of it.
Highlights include: Randy Orton dribbling like a cretin missing
several chromosomes, then getting hass-anded to him by John Cena,
then him winning the WWE Championship in a clusterfuckery match,
then a replay of Donald Trump buying Raw Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...
That was my experience.
Now Jeff Jarrett comes out. Speaking of which
the episode's name is "Welcome Back, Jeffrey!" Jeff Jarrett has
something to say: "Hayave yew absolutely lawst yer freekin' mahnd?"
Mick Foley has huge confetti pyrotechnics
shoot to celebrate Jeff Jarrett's return from last week! It's so
beautiful, man. Mick Foley talks about peace, love, and
understanding, then proceeds to talk about acts of violence,
particularly booking a main event, in which wrestling will occur.
That is quite peaceful. Samoan Joe and AJ Smiles will team up
against two people and their problems. Handy Capable match? Stink
and Angel. They have problems, too.
Foley says it sounds TREMENDOUS, but then
says it's a three-way tag team dance. lolwut? Oh I see now, he's
going to add another team: Jeff Jarrett and Mick Foley. BANG BANG!
of that. That sucked.
Foley offers them to put their hands into a
circle and go 1-2-3 TEAM! No one is a team player? Aw what an
asshole Jarrett is, leaving the ring. Kurtle does it! You say you're
better than Kurtle? You bleached sack of shit. Fuck Jarrett.
Asshole. Samoa Joe asses it up again by throwing his fat fist in
Kurt Angle's face. Fatty fat fat fat.
Nu-Trench Coat Mafia, with Dr Stevie, the woman, and Raven sitting
all Virginia Tech-y. Daffney talks, with face makeup literally fully
white, and huge black circles over her eyes and black lipstick. It's
far more distracting than any other thing she says. Sorry if you
were expecting some kind of "recap". She also proceeds to reference
"Natural Born Killers" by mentioning Micky and Mallory Knox. Raven
starts mentioning Jethro Holiday for some reason, mentioning that a
"Clockwork Orange Fun Match" is anything but fun. That makes
Raven can smell and taste Chris Abyss. Ew.
Raven channels a bit of Kane (C&C) in his speaking nature, but
his message is too generic "I'm a bad guy, boo!" to be of any worth.
He says they have addictions to sadism and masochism. He then says
the only way to get over addictions is to get clean, go to jail, or
die. So Raven is checking Chris and he into an addiction clinic.
That will make a hell of a match at the next PPV.
James Swift is a Pussy: Fucker is a mark for
ECW. He's so gushy and lovey towards ECW that I almost get diabetes
just reading through his man-love to ECW and Paul Heyman. You pansy.
Video package for Shane Douglas and
Christopher Daniels feud. I think he kayfabe fails to see the fact
that his situation is entirely different from Daniels Daniels in
that Daniels was randomly fired, whereas Shane Douglas left of his
own volition like a whiny bitch.
Some kind of match, I guess, with the
announcer calling him "Danhuls". Amazing Red doesn't even get a
jobber entrance. He gets nothing.
Children, it appears as if I will have to
start recapping TNA LIVE because it seems there is a crackith down
on TNA on the Youtubes, and the sound is being ripped out of all the
videos half-way through.
On a totally related note, wouldn't it be
funny if one day I accidentally recapped WWE Superstars instead of
iMPACT! and submitted it anyway? I know I would.
I'll be back soon after having downloaded the
episode from a forums.
Daniels vs Red
They start out happy-dappy ROH-y "let's slap
hands" before starting. Then a headlock by Danielssan on Redsan,
slams him down, Red does flippy-dippy, includiong an armdrag, then
reverses something into a dorpkick, then does a flying spinny-doo
onto the outside. It LOOKED good, but he moved so slowly, it was
hard to believe it could work very well.
Daniels back in, Red kicks him up, then
Daniels catches him with a clothesline. Daniels then kicks him when
he gets up, pins but loses. I mean loses a 3 count. Because he
didn't get a 3 count. That's what he tried to do, but he didn't get
it, so it's a loss, see?
Daniels gets in turnbuckle with Rod, but Red
reverses, and starts kicking him again. Does a variety of different
kicks, from the dorpping variety to the spinny backwards variety,
then a hurricanrana off the top rope onto Daniels Daniels. Then a
weird-ass move where it looked like Daniels slammed his ass down,
but was apparently a screwy-looking DDT. Failburu.
Daniels reverses an irish whip, and catches
him in an Undertaker's hometown driver, then an extreme bowel
movement for the win. But not for his pants.
WINNAR: Christopher.
ZOMFG Shane Douglas is on screen in a clearly
pre-taped thingy. He accepts Daniels Daniels' Slammiversary
challenge, then offers up the worst threatening catchphrase ever in
"This sunday, you will get... hahahaa... franchised."
Backstage now with Lauren and T..Taylor
Wilde? I think it's her. But what is she doing standing near Awesome
Kung and Cheerleader Arabia? I thought they were feuding for the
past half a year or so. lolwut? Kong speaks in what I presume is
supposed to be a Japanese accent, saying "Monsta will kill princess
first, then monsta will kill monsta last".
James Swift is a Bitch: He dares to post UFC
recaps on a wrestling site! What's that? Prefectly allowable
comparative sports involving violence and competition sharing a spot
on a similarly themed website? NOT IN THE ASS PIT OF MY
TNA's resident sperm dumpster is already in
the ring and calls out Sting. Sting comes out, and Morgan starts
talking fast, clearly wanting to join the MEMers. His argument is
that he's 7 feet, 300 pounds, without an ounce of fat, and Sting
is.... yeah. Just "And YOU?!" Clearly implying Sting is old and fat.
Why you no good son of a fuck!
Morgan says they said he couldn't join the
Mafior without being a champion, then SHOOTS by saying "How am I
supposed to be a world champion without anyone to give me the
opportunity to be a world champion?" Implying that somehow there are
people backstage who just write shit like "Okay, now YOU will be
champion for five months, then YOU for a month, then YOU for the
next three months"? What is he, stupid? That's absolutely crazy!
Morgan says Sting don't respect himself or
the Mafia, because they don't let Morgan in. This reminds me of a
debate I had on the Youtubes with the idiots who are all like "SHOW
US YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE, OBAMA!" And I show them the short-form
copy and they're all like "THAT DOESN'T PROVE ANYTHING" even though
it proves taht there is a real certificate, but they don't allow
just anyone to pull it out, so they give the short-form, but they're
or some shit. And it's all a conspiracy from the very beginning
because the NEW WORLD ORDER was behind it all, and even had Obama's
grandparents put a notice of birth in the local newspapers on the
DAY OF HIS BIRTH BACK IN 1961 in Hawaii.
The New World Order is behind it. Someone,
round up Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall, before they take
over the world governments. It would also make TNA a whole lot more
And there, I tie my pseudo-job recapping TNA
with conspiracy theories, 2012 Mayans Illuminati Freemasons Skull
and Bones New World Order Hollywood Hulk Hogan.
Oh yeah, and Morgan said he was better than
Sting, challenged Sting to a match at Slammiversary, Sting
threatened to eat his finger, then said he'd give Morgan his spot in
the Mafior if he beat Sting, then Sting tossed his ass out of the
ring when he tried to run at him. Way to secure a surefire loss,
Morgan. Fag. And stop cumming backstage.
James Swift is a Bitch: He whines and bitches
about the HORRORS of his everyday life. Like HE'S so goddamn special
because he's got his own column n shit! You don't see ME complaining
about MY life... every day! You don't see ME complaining about MY
life without making it funny or sarcastic or... Shut up! You're a
bitch, Swift.
Jeff Jarrett and Jay Bee backstage. I don't
know why. Jay Bee then tells Jarrett all the things Foley did to him
last week and this week, including writing notes. What the fuck?
Jarrett and Foley will tag up tonight in a match!
Jarrett comes up with the most bullshit
excuse for not firing Foley, saying he has too much compassion for
someone as crazy as Foley. Yeah, I, governor of California, feel
sorry for Charles Manson, too, being as "crazy" as he is, I think
I'll just let him out of jail.
I put "crazy" in quotations because neither
Foley nor Manson are crazy.
Not Stanley Kubrick's Clockwork
Orange Match Jethro Holiday vs Raven
Jethro Tull comes at him on the ramp and hits
Raven a bunch with a trash can, until they are both in the ring.
This is what I get for looking away to smack my dog around---I
completely missed that random sides of the ring are covered in cage
walls, with weapons on them. SHUT UP I've never seen any TNA Raven
matches except from Lockdown 2005 and Breaking Point. Jethro Murdoch
hits Raven with trash can lid, then goes for another weapon ONLY TO
GET smacked by Stevie Richards on the outside with a Kendu stick.
Raven chases him out to the outside, does a Russian leg sweep to him
onto the guardrail, which looked fun. Now some cane hits. Onto the
head now, and I swear I saw some wood break off. "Slick Johnson" is
our referee. They fight a little, but I missed it. Raven sat on a
chair, now he's stuck between the cage wall and the ropes as Murdoch
brings him in and starts slowly beating on him. Like no one is for
Jethro Murdoch despite him being the... face? Definitely not the
heel. He gets thrown through the cage wall, which crashed out onto
the outside, and Raven pins for the win. POW, RIGHTINA KISSA!
WINNAR: The Raven
Daffy comes out to put a straitjacket on
Trevor Murdoch. Hey, remember when he gave Lauren swine flu? That
was great. Best TNA promo ever. ZOMG Here comes Chris Abyss to
rescue his fellow fat white piece of shit.
James Swift is a Bitch: I'm running out of
shit to say, so I'll just make shit up. Swift, your ECW tenure
sucked! You didn't recap ANYTHING! You just made up stories about
how old ECW was the best thing ever and recapping NewCW was like
watching your kind-of friend skin your other best friend's face and
wear it while raping you in your pee-hole and laugh all into the
Promo with Don West making JOURNALISM HISTORY
in his awesome interview with Samoa Joe, which consists of him
asking generic questions and Joe being awesome while ominous music
plays in the background.
Then the Beautiful People walk around
backstage, with Angelina Love saying how she doesn't trust these
biotches as far as she can throw them in her tag team match. One of
them asks Kong or Taylor, and she says she's talking about her
partners; ie, them. Mystic prediction time: The Beautiful People
will break up.
Another backstage with Lauren asking Chris
Abyss about the mixed bashy-boo match with Daffy and Taylor vs Chris
and Raven. Chris steals Mankind and starts squealing all Mankind-y.
Holy shit, when he screams, he sounds almost exactly like Chris
Farley! Fat jokes abound. He unravels a bandage around Lauren's arm,
revealing a huge bruise, and he says when they do stuff like that to
her.... and I quote.... "IT MAKES ME WANNA CRYYYYYYYYYYY!" Badass,
Also, when he was a kid, his mother taught
him a double-negative, "don't never hit girls", so Chris began
assaulting women for the rest of his life. Or something completely
different. My version is a better visual.
Daffney's music sounds like a genericized
version of a generic version of a Marilyn Manson song.
Daffney and Angelina Love vs
Taylor Wilde and Awesome Kong
This just isn't working out. I mean, they
book Kong like she's the Great Khali and Yokozuna and the Undertaker
all in one, and none of the Knockouts can ever do shit to her. It's
fucking ridiculous. Daffney gets shoved with as much power as Hogan
shoving Shawn Michaels. Taylor Wilde comes back in to wrassle with
Daffney gets in, beats her ass up, then tags
in Love, they team up and do double irish-whip crush on the
turnbuckle. Love superkicks Wilde, then pins for two. Angelina is
tagged in and kicks the shit out of Taylor, then starts punching her
weakly. Miss a clothesline, they do a double thingy and they both
die. I think I mentioned one or two of those twice. Taylor tags in
Kung, while The Horrible People spray Arab Melissa with hairspray,
and Kung fails to bomb Love, but ends up Implant Bustering Daffney
instead. For the win.
WINNARL Awesome Kong and Taylor Wilde
Somehow the Horrible People are double
teaming and killing Kong, and do a droptoe thing to her on the
chair. Random Tara Attack and she punches up them in such a weak-ass
way. They run away and suddenly it's TARA AND KONG FACING OFF! But
since they play her music, it's clear they ain't gonna fight and
this is done.
Backstage with The Dudley Boys, who are going
to Japan to likely lose those tiny belts of theirs (see, because
Japanese people are so tiny), then go to Slammiversary to lose their
bigger titles to Beer Money. I forgot what the promo consisted of.
James Swift is a Bitch: I can't think of
anything else to say. Stop being a bitch and face me.
Video package for Cory Deaner being a redneck
and finally catching a dress. I wonder why they're doing this.
THEN... backstage. So Cal Val is interviewing
Lethal Consequences and Murder Guns, and Jay Lethal keeps jabbering
wildly all Macho Man-y. She and Jay fight, because she picked the
Indian who got subsequently fired rather than the guy with actual
staying power in TNA. He continually interrupts the interview. Val
tells him to put underwear on.
James Swift is a Bitch.
Back again and So Cal Val with Beer Money who
have become heels again. Brother Devon arrives with Buh Buh Ray and
confronts them, wondering where Beer Money have been. James Storm
claims they've been buying beer, whiskey, and midgets. Devon is
never happy, he says. Oh snapsz! James Storm said that next time
they'll come back and be Beer Money's bitches. Then Team 3D come
back and killshit them.
That was quite hilarious, at least to me! I
mean, really, did you really expect Beer Money would try not to take
said money that they gave to them as a gift? I mean, it's not like
they STOLE it, nor is it like the tag team championships aren't on
the line! For some odd reason, it seems the contrary would have
applied what for if not the intenser part involving said statements
beforehand, that just because they "respected" each other, that
somehow they're not supposed to be hostile to one another.
This isn't fucking Ring of Honor! As much as
I love ROH wrestling, that whole "Code of Honor" thing was such a
dumb and awkward-ass thing.
Speaking of which, I think Consequences
Lethal's entrance music is great. And amazing. And I really should
watch more TNA wrestling on TV instead of drooling over how awesome
and awful the backstage bullshit and such is. But it's just so
awesomely awful~!
That "~!" was totally accidental, by the way.
Uh oh, Buh Buh Ray comes out beating up on
Robert Rude, and then Devon tosses James Storm out. I doubt this
will be an eight man clustershmizz match, as it's revealed Bear
Money and Team D were supposed to tag. Bear Money gain the advantage
and killshit 23D, only for Lethal Consequenzes to jump on them
outside and killshit them.
ZOMG Suicide arrives and killshits Sabin,
then does his weak-ass rolly-dorp thing on Robot Shelley. Devon
rolls Lethal in, and apparently match has started.
Devon and Buh Buh get in, double team
Consewquenzes, then back body dorp Jay Lethal, then 3D Robot
Shelley, pin and win.
WINNARS: Team #D and Bare Money
Backstage now with So Cal Val with AJ Styles
and Taz. AJ delivers generic "Competition" promo. Taz is called Joe,
for some reason. Oh wait, it IS Joe. He pulls off the Taz towel,
then talks to AJ about how he's sorry and he has AJ's back and all.
James Storm is a Bitch: Why won't you answer
me, HUH? You think you're better than me? Remember that time I
e-mailed you the answer to Lance Storm's entrance music in ECW? I
love Rob Zombie! I love White Zombie, too! You're a bitch, is why.
Back in the back with Foley hiring some
random old guy who looks kind of like an old, unmuscled Goldberg as
his head of security, because the morbidly obese security guards
standing a few feet away apparently aren't good enough for him.
Jay Bee asks what the hottest thing on the
internet right now. Porn! Pirating! 2 girls 1 cup! Faces of Death!
Anything but TNA wrestling! Foley suggests Trina Michaels videos.
Jay Bee says the Tweety Bird, the Myfaces, etcetera. Then he
mentions Foley's nipple tweaks, and his own tweets.
caricature drawing of Mick Foley and Jeremy Borast with ugly
deformed heads and such. THe Mick Foley looks like Ron Jeremy. Kip
James is apparently the new maintenance man. His big time TV spot
job? Removing AJ Styles' picture from the wall and replacing it with
Speaking of totally nonstop action, here's
Jeremy's Ass with Kurt Angle backstage in ANOTHER talking segment.
Angle talks SERIOUS TIME all calm-like, calm cool collected about
facing Joseph. But he guarantees that the men Joe killed are gonna
be in Detroit Rock City. And he's gonna kick Joseph directly into
his big fat little kiester, yah, uh huh.
Match time and everyone comes out with their
long entrances and such. Fun fact! This commercial-free download of
the 2 hour episode of TNA iMPACT is 1 hour and 22 minutes and 2
seconds long.
Mick Foley and Jeff Jarrett vs
Sting and Kurt Angle vs Samoan Joe and Styles
Another good thing about having it on AVI is
that I get to go back when I miss the opening parts of the match to
do a google search on Daffney. She looks older in the photos on her
TNA photogallery, but she looks a lot more muscular, wearing a
chainmail bikini-top thing.
Foley and Sting start with the traditional
Hannukah. More lockups on the turnbuckle. They fight. Bulldog on
Foley. Foley gets arm wrenched by Sting. Tag in Angle. Angle slows
down, stands and lets Foley recover, then they lockup and Angle
takes command. Lead. Control. But Foley armwrenches him and does an
Jarrett gets tagged in, elbows on Angle's
arm. Tags Foley back in. Foley punches Angle's side, now gets him
int he turnbuckle. Foley runs at him, but Angle moves and Foley hits
the turnbuckle, now Angle is stomping on him and kicking and such
and Foley is clinging to the ropes.
Kurt tries to hit AJ and Samoa, but they
dodge, and Angle gets clotheslined. Now Jarrett gets tagged in and
starts fighting with Angle. Goes for an inverted Russian leg sweep
but fails and Angle gets in ankle lock but Jarrett reverses and
Angle tries to do an Olympic Slam but Jarrett stops that shit cold.
Foley comes to the announcer's table to say what a great and
reliable partner Jarrett is. This is great, because he's obviously
wasting time while Jarrett gets shitkicked.
James Storm is a Bitch: Bitch-ass bitch ass
bandit of bitches. You a bitch. You are a bitch. You were a bitch.
YOu will be a bitch. Or will you? Who knows. You do. Bitch.
Back, and Jarrett is in an ankle lock now,
while Foley complains that Slippery Penis is telling him to get in
the ring. Foley is about to, but sits back down when Jarrett
escapes. Foley finally comes, but Jarrett gets up and kicks Angle
away anyway. Jarrett tags in Samoan Joseph, who killshits Sting,
then goes for a bomb thing, bombing Kurt onto Sting.
Foley ends up back at the announcer's table,
and Jarrett comes ANGRY and beats up Foley. The Morbidly Obese
security guards get put away literally by mere punches. Jarrett then
does a weak-ass chairshot onto Foley and each of the morbidly obese
security guards.
Samoa Joe gets a muscle buster on Kurtle for
the win.
WINNARS: Samoan Joseph and AJ Style
That match was a lot shorter than my
play-by-play did justice for, which should have been none because it
deserved none.
Now I deliver my final call-out to James
Storm; come out, coward! Let me knock your ass up and win! In a
contest of "I'm better than you are at everything, especially sex
and violence" whereas you continue to ignore me! Am I the Eric
Bischoff to your Vince McMahon? That would make sense if you worked
as hard as McMahon! Oh, bitchass. BITCH ASS! Your rear end is rather
related to a canine of the female persuasion! What do you say to
THAT, bugnuts?
Andariel Halo is a dynamic figure, often seen
scaling walls and crushing ice. She can hurl tennis rackets at small
moving objects with deadly accuracy. She translates ethnic slurs for
Cuban refugees. Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, Andy
once single-handedly defended a small village in the Amazon Basin
from a horde of ferocious army ants. Children trust her. She knows
the exact location of every dairy item in the supermarket. She has
performed covert operations for the CIA. She's in bed every day, but
sleeps once a week, OH! The laws of physics do not apply to her. One
time, she shot her friend in the back of the head with a BB gun, and
placed all blame on
Speaking of retards jibbering, Jimmy
Swift has yet to answer my call, nor his recaps of something. Whatever he does.
Like his last job as ECW recpapper, he's gone AWOL, FUBAR, hooah, ho
ho ho.
WEEK! Well I haven't talked about WWE newz lately, so I figure
maybe I should, to pad my shitty column? I had some thoughts a
few days ago, but just like the current WWE product's relevancy,
it's faded away.
WEEK FOR REAL: Mick Foley was on Squidbillies this past Sunday, only one
of the GREATEST redneck comedy shows about North Georgia squids in
the entire world, why not.
BACK! Time for show. Tonight,
a moment that supposedly alters wrestling history or something is
occurring. Basically, they're lying. I'mma come up with
a name for the short-term memory loss/present-day exaggeration that
is so prominent in wrestling. You all come up with one while I
take my pants off.
This is one of those times where I feel
like this is gonna be my worst recap ever yet. Also, I saw the
whole "SAP where available" logo on the left side of the TV screen
cut off, indicating it is shown in widescreen but since I am
watching on regular HD TV without HD channel, it gets cut off.
Mick Foley comes out.
Oh hey, stuff is happening. Jarrett
came out. He's wearing a shirt that says "6.21.09" then has
like an ice cube chain design on the sign of it. Oh, those are
stars. Damn, that's stupid. Foley is wearing a Jeff
Jarrett T-shirt. It's funny because Jarrett wore a shirt with
a date 10 days from now. He sucks.
Jarrett leaves, and Foley...
heehee. Jarrett calls him a comedy act, so Foley makes funny
noises, then gets angry. See, this is why I love Mick
Foley. He's always amazing. Aww, traitorfaces in the
audience chant "Fire Foley".
Bnack now with Team 3Dicles promo.
They have two championship belts, making four in total. So,
uh... when? I feel AGAIN like I've completely missed
something. D-Von basically shits on non-Americans, then makes
fun of Britain using currency called "pound". OH HEY!
Raven is sitting in the corner randomly, just watching them.
Lauren is scurred, but Buh Buh says don't worry about him.
Haha, that's funny, he's like me, sitting in a corner looking all
Team 3Dicles will prove they will beat
Beer Money at Slammaversary. Then Lauren runs away like a
bitch, because Raven has not even moved an inch, and that scares
her. NBK, BITCH!
Random Commercial Thoughts Not At All
Inspired By The Commercials Themselves: Any song used in any car
commercial is immediately disqualified as actual music to me, and
will forever be known as "That car commercial song". This
happened once when I heard a car commercial song on the radio, and I
just said, "Who the fuck would buy a CD with a car commercial song
on it?" This EVEN applies to The Beatles. Blame Michael
Murder City guns come out with their
meek-ass little "Neeneeneeneeeee Neeneeneeneeeeeeeeee" music.
Then out comes Jay Lethal with the party-time
Triple-X-based-but-now-it's-own-song theme that was Consequences
Victor Creed's. ANd he's wearing a 6.21.09 shirt, too.
Doomsday armageddon. June 21 2009.
So I tune in and Buh Buh tagged in to
D-Von after fighting SHelley a bit and now Shelley is in control,
irish whip D-von catches and power slams and counts 2 in a pin that
only gets two. Tag in Brohber Ray Dudley to fight
SHelley. They fight. Don West shows some sense and logic
that 3D and Beer Money secretly hate each other, whereas Tenay shits
on him and proves that TNA is fucking retarded. Jay Lethal is
in now.
Slippery Penis, the
referee, gets control finally and now Buh Buh and Jay are fighting,
and Lethal stomps then tags in Shellith. Shell and Lethal both
smoosh Buh Buh against the second rope. Now Shelley punches on
Buh Buh in the corner and Buh Buh collapses and Shelely kicks him
all ROH style, and Buh Buh just bitchslaps his skinny chest and he
tags in Lethal and Lethal stomps on Buh Buh and Buh Buh crawls up
onto the turnbuckle and Shelley hangs on the ropes like he's sitting
in a chair with his legs up and black machismo slams Buh Buh's face
inbto Alex's boots holy shit.
WINNAR: RObot Shelley and
Black Macho Man
Commercials. Then
Random angry mob appears
to confront Jeff Jarrett! Oh wait, it's only "security" guards
lead by Mick Foley. He says the entire senior citizen and
Italian-American uggghhhh... oops, sorry. My apathy suddenly
raped my throat-hole and I could no longer care enough to cover
this. It's just so damn... <i>generic</i>.
Not just the stupid thing with them, but this entire feud between
Jarrett and Foley.
More backstage
bullshit! Back with Booker T, who screams incoherently, then
threatens Samoan Joseph to make him bleed. More incoherent
screaming. Something that sounded like "blake my damn
knee" or maybe "bleed". Scott Steiner comes now to
scream more coherently! He's gonna break Joe's legs, but he
said it in a funny way that reminded me of Bas Rutten.
Commercials. Holy
shit, that was an entire like 4 minutes of bullshit in between
It's so easy to be me, you
just need to be a not-at-all subtle satire of the exact opposite of
your true self.
TNA iMPACT! Nation of Violence First Blood match. This
is totally UNIQUE! The super new rules, according to Tenay:
"Bleed, and you lose". Well... what? How is that
different from a First Blood match you ask? It's
violent. Meaning the original ones like.. aren't. You
stick someone with a syringe and draw blood. That's still
violent to me.
Steiner bumrushes Joo on
the ramp, then beats on him, and gets him in the face with the ring
bell. Joe bleeds and loses, but not really. Scott
Steiner rolls him into the ring. They fight. Joe gains
control somehow, kicky on Scott Steiner. Tenay wonders who has
been Taz talking to Joe and such. Steiner hit Joe with
something that I missed. Then he exposes the "steel" of the
turnbuckle. I put that in parenthesis, perhaps due to my angle
of the camera, but it's still covered in padding. Scott
Steiner reverses stuff and goes out of the ring for
Booger comes out slowly,
with Sharmell in a sparkly dress. Commercials.
Booger T with knees to the
head of Joe, which considering he's SAMOAN, he's up immediately,
hits Booger T in the gut with the pipe. Probably a bloodpack,
as Booker T supposedly spits up blood. Well I can't tell
what's good in wrestling or not, but I think this looks like a
rather powerful Samoa Joe here, and not the mook he's been
WINNAR: The brown
one. Oh wait, they're all brown. The fat
Okay, fuck this. I
need a big-ass glass of milk, because I feel like I'm gonna throw up
without one.
Okay, so I missed a
lot. There was an AJ Styles vs Shane Douglas match that I was
watching, but not really "watching". Highlights include AJ
rolling Shane in the ring once, Shane mockingly clapping, and
DANIELS DANIELS appearing at the end to get smacked with a pair of
handcuffs thickly rolled up in a towel. As if handcuffs were
nuclear or something. How else justify them hurting at all
when padded with a towel? Also, the MEM was saying stuff, and
Raven was in the background randomly, being all
Back. Taylor Wilde
is looking for Daffy. She finds her in a dark area, where
Daffney proceeds to kill her while squealing, and Raven and Stevie
are just sitting beneath a staircase all Columbiney. Eric
Harris proceeds to pull Daffney off her, saying that's all the time
they have for this week, while Dylan Klebold keeps looking
More backstagey with
Angelina Love bitching. Jorash says "the butt needs to be
accomodated" based on something Lurv said. Madison Rayne is
suddenly a Beautiful Person and not a Sexy Sexy Slave girl.
When did that happen? Oh wait, that was Velvet Sky. But
Madison Rayne still was all Beautiful People-y and not
Commercials. Lawl,
not even a match. One hour and twenty minutes in, and only two
More redneck bullshit with
ODB and TEH DEANER. TEH DEANER needs to do things like lift
beer barrells, lift paint cans on a stick, and chase ducks while
screaming "quack quack!" Someone on a WrestleZone column once
asked how this was at all comedy or entertainment. They're
likely right, because it sucks.
Kurt Angle caught by the
Tool, he has beard stubble, and ANGRIES at Samo Joe, then yells at
Beautiful People all come
out for stuff n junk.
WINNAR: Tara, and generic
Eric Young in the back
with his goofy-ass child smoker voice, saying he's tired of being
abused by everyone. Eric does what has got to be the HARDEST
and HEAVIEST bitch slap on Jay Bee. He just keels over and
OH HEY! So Cal Val
reappears after seemingly a year of being useless not even on TV and
having her Indian husband fired for being talented. Daniels
Daniels renders her further useless by shoving her away and taking
the microphone, offers Shane Douglas a match in which if he wins,
Shane takes Daniels Daniels' roster spot, meaning he'll have to be
Suicide part-time, and if he loses, then Shane has to leave
Kurt Angle vs Sting
Back in the ring with them
both in the ring, Kurtle smacks on Sting's back, then a European
uppercut. He's angry at Sting. Snap suplex on
Stink. Pin for one. Don West explains Kin gof the
Mountain rules, which don't get any less stupid with time.
Sting beats on Angle outside now, while people cheer for them both,
and people start touching Sting outside. Angle rolls inside
and Sting comes in to do a Stinger splash which misses and Angle
does a back suplex AND NOT A FUCKING ANGLE SLAM, TENAY. Pin
for two and no win. They fight some more. Sting gets a
weak-ass hug from Angle from behind while sitting on the
floor. More commercials.
Oops, sorry, I passed out
a bit and missed more. Matt Morgan randomly appeared, spread
his FAILURE in the ring and Kurtle won over Stink.
Kurt Angle seems shocked
that Morgan is in the ring. Oh wait, Angle is MAD at Morgan
for Morgan hitting Sting. ANGREY! Haw hawh aw haw.
Backfire on the Blueprint of DNA. Morgan shoves Kurtle.
Referees keep them separated.
Andariel Halo is a dynamic figure, often seen
scaling walls and crushing ice. She can hurl tennis rackets at small
moving objects with deadly accuracy. She translates ethnic slurs for
Cuban refugees. Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, Andy
once single-handedly defended a small village in the Amazon Basin
from a horde of ferocious army ants. Children trust her. She knows
the exact location of every dairy item in the supermarket. She has
performed covert operations for the CIA. She's in bed every day, but
sleeps once a week, OH! The laws of physics do not apply to her. One
time, she shot her friend in the back of the head with a BB gun, and
placed all blame on
Speaking of threatening
people, Jimmy Swift has yet to answer my calling him out, presumably
for some kind of me-kicking-his-ass festival. Answer up,
Storm! Your ass is mine.
Before we wait for the
Youtube video to finish loading, let me just say that I have evil
angers and hatreds that make me a monstrous monster to beat up and
kill people for stinging offenses ranging from as horrifying as
"destroying my spaceship in an online video game that will respawn
anyway while I was away drinking some iced tea or reading a book or
just plain not paying attention" to as spellbinding as "being nearly
murdered by computer ships in same game nearby a Neutral base, and
having a member of that Neutral faction threaten MY LIFE for DARING
to open fire near their piddling pissant station, just because they
have a faggot treaty where no faction may fire weapons within a
certain radius of their station, but because this is an RP server,
only players can obey this, whereas the NPCs don't bother to stop
killing the shit out of me, and his only response to my 'it's only
in self defense because these motherfuckers don't give a fucking
shit about your faggy rules' is a 'too bad, happened to me once
before, your fault for having a faction hate you'"
Kiyoshi comes out... very
slowly... and wearing Jappo clothes. Jee whiz, he's-- oh wait,
he was waiting for Sheik Abdul Jabbar
Dear TNA: At what point in
time did Kiyoshi show ANYTHING remotely resembling an
"anti-American" stance? EVER, EVEN? PS, I hate
Sheik Abdul Jabbar and Kiyoshimitsu vs Someone
who looks like Christopher Daniels, but the announcer calls
"Dantull" and David Carradine's initial murder
This is why you shouldn't
take drugs, people: I looked away, got focused on something else,
and suddenly a bunch of people kidnapped SUicide. I think it
was the Murder guns. Shane Douglas randomly appears and
punches DANIELS DANIELS, causing Rikishi to pin Daniel for the
nonloss. And Kishi is randomly bleeding, I think.
WINNAR: The Sheik and the
Commercials went and gone,
then came back. IN its place, Random Youtubbery:
Shane Douglas in the ring
on a steel chair or two, says he's a HUUUGE fan of TNA. I'd
believe it; fucker's got no neck anymore, just a chin that
disappears into his shirt.
We now get a Slammiversary
video package, which can best be summed up as "A summary of the
entire TNA Year One DVD", that is, random video shots of wrestling,
and words claiming how no one expected TNA to survive or
Oh hey, apparently TNA has
a rule that the TNA Championship MUST be defended once every thirty
days. Foley proceeds to offend me and others like me by
claiming it is not like a menstrual cycle. I don't know about
other people, but the only image I get in my mind is him holding the
championship while his wife menstruates on it. Yeah, that get
you off?
SKY! She loves UFC and Boxing. I think that's it.
Also, if she were a guy, she'd be playing baseball. Something
about this strikes me as "DOES NOT COMPUTE"... women DO play
baseball, you know. And arguing "well no one cares about
women's baseball" when you're in a women's wrestling
Lauren now with the Murder
guns and the Lethal black guys. Sabin says he wants Lethal to
shut up, and he hates him. Maybe because he's black.
Lethal tells Sabin to stop talking so slow. I do not know why
Lethal said "NO MORE SHAPESHIFTING!" and Shelley repeated it.
Maybe I should pay more attention, but I DO want to
James Storm is the best
thing in TNA right now. He still has a trophy full of beer,
and a gokart that is literally a beer cooler with wheels and
Lethal Consequences vs Murder City Machine Guns
vs Beer Money
Starts with Rude and
Sabin, killshttign and flipyp-dippy, Sabin misses rope-DDT and Storm
runs in to double suplex Sabin, do a Beer Money taunt with the
crowd. Now Creed is in with Storm. Does a neat
gutbreaker into rock bottom-y slam, then they trade punches.
HAW HAW Sabin grabbed Storm and slammed him down as he was bouncing
off the ropes.
Chris Sabin and Consqeunces Creed vs Beer
See, I got the match
listing thing wrong. It's hard when you're retarded. I
mean TNA. When TNA is retarded, and ---
Random music video package
featuring people wrestling. When did Daffney fight Taylor
Wilde? Looks awesome. Oh wait, this was from that last
PPV, wasn't it? Daffney's hot.
Backstage and randomly
"Tara", formerly Victoria of the WWE, is being randomly beaten up by
the Beautiful People, then she randomly takes control and killshits
them. HARDCORE! Weapons n shit. See, this is why I
whined and screamed and complained about no Knockouts in the TNA
game. They're the best thing in this thing.
Video package for
Slammiversary 2006 match between AMW and AJ and Christopher.
Highlights include: Daniels Daniels shitting on Triple X vs AMW best
of infinity matches, AJ and Daniel hire a shemale to carry Gail Kim
away from the ring, presumably to rape her, and the only thing James
Storm remembers is that the match took place at
BACKSTAGE with Memmers and
Kurt Angle talking about killing Joe
Lauren interviews Daffney,
who is all gothy with the makeup and such and the punky-goth band
shirt. She proves to be completely and utterly sane with this
statement: "Crazy people have no logic; we do what we do, we say
what we say, because that's what we do"
2) That's not what crazy people do;
that's what drunk people do.
Daffney has people who
don't like it when she says no. Rapists?
Slavemasters? Moses, Muhammad, Jesus Christ?
I need to pee. MEM
creates a hitlist. Hello, police? A group of wrestlers
are threatening to kill one another, one of them calling themselves
a "Main Event" Mafia. Nash says "any man can die" and "the
hardest thing any man does is living". Booker T won't be
COON. I mean, sorry, what? He was talking about the
Ultimate Warrior. At least, I think so. He said "One
Warrior Independent Nation". WARRIAH had his "One Warrior
Nation" Close enough. ULTIMATE WARRIOR TO
Video package of Daffney
being hired to be Sarah Palin not-at-all-look-alike, then
"transformed" into Daffney. Stevie somehow explained this to
us, but I forgot or completely missed it. I now see where the
Wrestlezone marks are meandering about Daffney trying to be MsChif
and not pulling it off too well. They're both gothy, and they
both scream in the ring. But Daffney's hotter.
West scores another
zinger: "Taylor Wilde's the kind of woman you take home to your
mother; and then leave her with your mother and sneak out to hook up
with Daffney" Tenay says where does that leave Awesome Kong,
West: "Hopefully at your house"
They start outside the
ring, NASTY ASS whip into the steel steps. We get a replay for
this. Wilde punchy-puus, but is distracted by Stevie and Raven
coming down, so Daffney gains control. Did TNA forget that
Lauren is Chris Abyss's girlfriend, and that Taylor Wilde is NOT his
"part-time" girlfriend? They seem to be confusing this an
awful lot.
Lauren runs out afterwards
as the three of them prepare to gangbang Taylor Wildde. Raven
gets on microphone and lisps some a bit. Says everyone wants
RAVEN AND RICHARDS. For some reason, I can't find this in any
way believable what with Stevie once being all crazy and punky with
the midriffs and short shorts, and now he's dressed like a
doctor. He makes a gay joke at Chris Abyss's expense,
involving putting things down his throat.
Young and Jeff Jarrett. Maybe blame years of TNA booking, or
blame Eric's goofy-ass face, but I cannot take him seriously.
I just burst out laughing when he tries to talk seriously. He
sounds like a child smoker.
Jeff Jarrett then comes
out. He ain't dead, no he ain't dead. His wife is,
Jarrett starts popping
referees in order to get to Young. Security starts dragging
RHINO! He likes Tool Rock, and Eminem, and reveals he scored
with a cheerleader he never talked to in highschool. That's
called "rape", manbeast. His most memorable moment is winning
the TNA Heavyweight title. LOL WHEN?! Never. NWA
=/= TNA. His one wish is world peace, then cries.
Video package for Rhino
and Jesse Neal, complete with Halloween-style music.
Terrorists killed Rhino's best navy friend on the USS Cole, which
apparently inspired him to train a marine nine years later to job to
MATT MORGAN vs Petty Officer
Some wonder, is Russo
tasteless and trashy enough to have this whole "inspirational" story
with Jesse Neal and having his mom at the arena cheering for him and
American flags everyhwere and then have Morgan beat the kid shit
up? Naw; any wrestling promoter would do that.
Rhino looks like a father
whose son just completely failed him and failed at
BACK! Team Fatness. Naw, not good enough. Morbid
Team Obesity? Someone help me here.
Mick Foley comes out after
all that. Tenay plays a pathetic face commentator, claiming
Jarrett was somehow justified in hitting Earl Hebner because it was
"heat of the moment" and this is no reason for Foley to fear for his
security and hire bodyguards. This being the same Jeff Jarrett
who was nearly killshitted by Foley at the Armory, and would
subsequently wrestle him at a PPV and fail, and thus has every
reason int he world to try to kill Foley.Or something.
Kind of a missing logic
here (IN TNA?! NEVAR!) Foley says he knows something
about being former TNA World Champion. lolwut?
The exact same video
package I said was like TNA Year One DVD is replayed. One of
the random sentences hilariously says "They have no
and Jognny Borash. Sting doesn't have to say "Oh, here we go
again!" Sting was recently a part of a group of celebrities
protesting a restaurant for serving endangered blue fin tuna, only
it was the other Sting. The music one.
I cheated a little; I saw
some/most of this match last night. And I plan to not live up
to the "TNA killed me" symptoms that everyone else got. Joe's
music hits, then ends, then video clip backstage of Joe talking to
Taz. They didn't show Taz, but come on, it's fucking
Taz. They completely fucked up the whole "subtlety" thing by
having Joe wear a Taz towel over his head.
was the Start: Eric Young; smarmy heel. Being
bored and not caring about almost anything.
I do now: James Swift, I called your bitch-ass
out, bitch. Andthony Deaner, you steal my fucking shit, you
die. Neil McGilloway... well I just plain don't like
you. Canadian Bacon,
End show, end week.
Let's hope I haven't been murdalized next week. Not that I'm
being targeted or anything, just that ANY ONE COULD DIE AT ANY
Andariel Halo is a dynamic figure, often seen
scaling walls and crushing ice. She can hurl tennis rackets at small
moving objects with deadly accuracy. She translates ethnic slurs for
Cuban refugees. Using only a hoe and a large glass of water, Andy
once single-handedly defended a small village in the Amazon Basin
from a horde of ferocious army ants. Children trust her. She knows
the exact location of every dairy item in the supermarket. She has
performed covert operations for the CIA. She's in bed every day, but
sleeps once a week, OH! The laws of physics do not apply to her. One
time, she shot her friend in the back of the head with a BB gun, and
placed all blame on
November 2006
With Christmas just around the corner, what better way to spend your few remaining dollars (left over after the seemingly infinite line-up of fucking pay-per-views ) then on the following "quality WWE merchandise!" After all, if they don't move this stuff, and fast, stockholders just might get time to figure out what "plummeting domestic buyrates" means!... and well, I don't think they need to tell you what that means! (Seriously. They're not telling you. Everything is fine! Ahem.).
SATIRE: WWE's Discontinued X-Mas Products
DVD Review: End Game, Starring Kurt Angle
50+ Random Star Wars Lines You Can Use In The Middle Of Sex To Hilarious Results
Stephen Rivera's 4th Fall: Introduction
Broken News: U.S. Hero with Golden Trunks Becomes Homeless Man
When Wrestling Merchandise Goes Bad: WWE Finger Rings
CLASSIC SATIRE: Guess Who's HHHaving a Baby?
Broken News: WWE Pro Grappling "Gentle Giant" Reunited with Estranged Son
TWF Entertainment: VH1's 40 Greatest Celebrity Feuds
The WWE Developmental Rookie Name Generator
Wacky TV Recapitation: Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling
VIDEO SATIRE: 'Til Death Do Us Part!
SATIRE: WWE Acquires the History Channel!